RE: DOUPL 2025 冠军:电绒咖啡馆 Emolga Furret coffee
决赛周 WEEK 4 finals!
晚安烟火 Showstopper(2) V.S. (4) 电绒咖啡馆 Emolga Furret coffee
SV RDB: @RainListener V.S. @晋文公 g1 g2
SV DOU: @akxhdwy V.S. @WHKW10086拳海参甲
SV DOU: @yyfsx V.S. @水心
SV DOU: @Wishing V.S. @Register13
SS DOU: @0-5liliou V.S @吕vgc
USUM DOU : @心雨 V.S. @kaori -
RE: NDWC预选赛 小组赛
won vs伊布
https://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/gen9nationaldex-2320847028-09c1h6snss1c36cc54m0aa76gbl9aaipw -
RE: DOUPL 2025 冠军:电绒咖啡馆 Emolga Furret coffee
第三周 WEEK 3
晚安烟火 Showstopper(3) V.S. (3) 电绒咖啡馆 Emolga Furret coffee
SV RDB: @RainListener V.S. @晋文公 g1 g2
SV DOU: @akxhdwy V.S. @水心
SV DOU: @yyfsx V.S. @WHKW10086拳海参甲
SV DOU: @Wishing V.S. @Register13
SS DOU: @jushu V.S @吕vgc
USUM DOU : @心雨 V.S. @kaori断魂索道 Annihilation(4) V.S. (1) 钢铁意志 Mind Of Iron
SV RDB: @归虚梦演 V.S. @xingggggg g1 g2
SV DOU: @k25thanking V.S. @lemon7 V.S. @lemon7
SV DOU: @是茗雪不是幼安 V.S. @补习不补习补习
SV DOU: @Nightsuqi V.S. @Roxie
SS DOU:@unjuanable V.S. @海兔
USUM DOU : @隐世真龙 V.S. @躺平的阡陌 -
RE: DOUPL 2025 冠军:电绒咖啡馆 Emolga Furret coffee
第二周 WEEK 2
晚安烟火 Showstopper(4) V.S. (2) 钢铁意志 Mind Of Iron
SV RDB: @RainListener V.S. @xingggggg g1 g2 g3
SV DOU: @akxhdwy V.S. @补习不补习补习
SV DOU: @yyfsx V.S. @躺平的阡陌
SV DOU: @Wishing V.S. @Roxie
SS DOU: @jushu V.S. @海兔
USUM DOU : @心雨 V.S. @lemon7电绒咖啡馆 Emolga Furret coffee(5) V.S. (1) 断魂索道 Annihilation
SV RDB: @晋文公 V.S. @归虚梦演 g1 g2
SV DOU: @Register13 V.S. @k25thanking
SV DOU: @水心 V.S. @是茗雪不是幼安
SV DOU: @WHKW10086拳海参甲 V.S. @Nightsuqi
SS DOU: @吕vgc V.S. @unjuanable
USUM DOU : @kaoriV.S. @隐世真龙