Shinx-Phoenix Ladder Cup 第三轮(Cycle3) 1.14-1.21
SL21IV xiangdacdl
SL21IV haocai
sl21iv zhiming
sl21iv buxiangxuexi
SL21IV hattrick
sl21iv swama
SL21IV Eule
sl21iv wwh
sl21iv hxyong
SL21IV po
@empo Welcome to SPL
SL21IV dahanhan
SL21IV dianzi
SL21IV xiaqiu
SL21IV devin
SL21IV not pif
SL21IV MeowRk
SL21IV exergy
SL21IV juan -
首届Shinx-Phoenix Ladder Cup以提高国服选手在Gen8OU分级为主要目的,因此会对外国选手的邀请数量进行一定限制,在此公布@Sayuze 将作为本届比赛最后邀请的一位外国选手,在此之后非国服玩家的报名将不予以接受。
The first season of Shinx-Phoenix Ladder Cup is initially aiming to encourage Gen8OU among our community, therefore the number of inviting foreign players will be limited to a reasonable figure. @Sayuze will be the last player we invited and all sign-up after will no longer be accepted.