
Starmie 发布的帖子
RE: RBPL2024 选手报名
[2024/10/13] RBPL 2024 选人结束。记录:
选手 队伍 价格 swordsmann Gu Together 12000 gdwyuudachi Gu Together 12000 igjackeylove IGJackeylove Team 12000 vxltarktimi Waning of moon fell asleep 12000 lzaaaaa IGJackeylove Team 10000 cscl Waning of moon fell asleep 12000 SeaRabbit IGJackeylove Team 6500 cen344 Waning of moon fell asleep 10000 soulking0 Gu Together 11500 TKYSZL magic gugu spam 11500 Jinitaimei Gu Together 3000 rubv magic gugu spam 3000 Scale IGJackeylove Team 10000 EvershineAuE Gu Together 3000 rimarinalove Gu Together 7500 sdkko Waning of moon fell asleep 6000 thinkcalmly Waning of moon fell asleep 5000 tinseltowngirl magic gugu spam 17000 unjuanable Gu Together 8000 gostop magic gugu spam 8000 sidalin IGJackeylove Team 6500 NakanoNino IGJackeylove Team 7000 WHKW magic gugu spam 5500 ORDEAL magic gugu spam 7500 nianxun Waning of moon fell asleep 3000 Kalove IGJackeylove Team 3000 Mok3s magic gugu spam 5000 Sawra magic gugu spam 8000 maxinyuuu Waning of moon fell asleep 5000 xqiht Gu Together 4500 RaidenMei IGJackeylove Team 3000 vegdog Waning of moon fell asleep 3000 fansher Waning of moon fell asleep 3000 sisiyoguang IGJackeylove Team 4000 daretolovexkh Gu Together 3000 Nashrock Gu Together 11000 Wishing IGJackeylove Team 6000 xu9 IGJackeylove Team 7000 lemonkss7 Waning of moon fell asleep 5000 SkyVacation Waning of moon fell asleep 3000 Akoutori Waning of moon fell asleep 3000 ghfan IGJackeylove Team 5000 tapuleleyyds Gu Together 4000 aimyguo magic gugu spam 3000 shuixin magic gugu spam 3000 Whitepureloii Waning of moon fell asleep 3000 huanjuea Waning of moon fell asleep 7000 Residual magic gugu spam 3000 Alienc magic gugu spam 3000 -
RE: USMPL2024 队员报名帖
[2024/10/05] USMPL 2024 选人结束。记录:
选手 队伍 价格 rubv Barking 16000 raceding Burning Heaven‘s Ruler 16000 clove1998 Burning Heaven‘s Ruler 16000 xqiht Sctp Xqlove Project 16000 cen344 Sctp Xqlove Project 15500 huanjuea Barking 3000 metallica Unscrupulous University :starts at 8 AM 31000 pichiu Sctp Xqlove Project 7500 akeng Burning Heaven‘s Ruler 17000 xingggggg Burning Heaven‘s Ruler 3000 gostop Burning Heaven‘s Ruler 15500 xkh Sctp Xqlove Project 7000 Allenxia Barking 13500 Strange name Barking 15500 nbk47 Burning Heaven‘s Ruler 3000 xujing691691 Burning Heaven‘s Ruler 20500 searabbit Sctp Xqlove Project 10500 qishi Burning Heaven‘s Ruler 3000 archer Barking 6000 baibaiats Unscrupulous University :starts at 8 AM 8500 dianniao Burning Heaven‘s Ruler 15500 Octperlover0 Sctp Xqlove Project 5000 yyfsx Burning Heaven‘s Ruler 3000 tinsel towngirl Barking 21500 Nashrock Sctp Xqlove Project 10000 mew2629 Burning Heaven‘s Ruler 4000 WHKW10086 Unscrupulous University :starts at 8 AM 11000 altaria QWQ Unscrupulous University :starts at 8 AM 9000 remnonc Unscrupulous University :starts at 8 AM 8000 yuanan Barking 3000 xiaolulu Unscrupulous University :starts at 8 AM 9000 xu9 Sctp Xqlove Project 7500 yuudachi0811 Barking 15000 bird of belief Barking 4000 unjuanable Unscrupulous University :starts at 8 AM 7000 qianmo Unscrupulous University :starts at 8 AM 4000 ordeal Unscrupulous University :starts at 8 AM 14000 aip yuehua Sctp Xqlove Project 13500 sawra Sctp Xqlove Project 9000 xiaqiu Sctp Xqlove Project 8500 xuwu Sctp Xqlove Project 6500 0.9mirror Unscrupulous University :starts at 8 AM 5000 Wishing Burning Heaven‘s Ruler 3500 ghfan Barking 4500 akxhdwy Unscrupulous University :starts at 8 AM 4000 maxinyuuu Barking 3000 Mok3s Barking 3500 Vxltarktimi Barking 4000 jqlove Unscrupulous University :starts at 8 AM 9500 wyhhh Barking 3000 shuixin Sctp Xqlove Project 3500 -
RE: OMPL2024 选手报名【分级新增pic】
[2024/09/01] OMPL 2024 选人结束。记录:
选手 队伍 价格 TKYSZL The Emperor of Internet 12000 xqiht DUGUO CULT 8500 yz chanseys' band redstone 14000 nashrock DUGUO CULT 12500 leon6 useful copy players 10000 LouisIX DUGUO CULT 8500 DG otto useful copy players 7000 hybone useful copy players 12000 gostop chanseys' band redstone 5000 wss The Emperor of Internet 14000 roxie DUGUO CULT 8500 luni saki useful copy players 6000 Nightsuqi chanseys' band redstone 9000 xu9 The Emperor of Internet 11000 zuzhouwawa useful copy players 10500 sawra chanseys' band redstone 9000 strange name chanseys' band redstone 8500 XKH useful copy players 4500 Register13 DUGUO CULT 8000 Corvi01 useful copy players 5500 xxMok3s chanseys' band redstone 6500 Vacm red The Emperor of Internet 6000 Vxltarktimi useful copy players 6500 sisiyoguang DUGUO CULT 6500 Scale The Emperor of Internet 15000 maxinyuuu DUGUO CULT 3000 moyingbock DUGUO CULT 7000 sleeping cloud chanseys' band redstone 5000 WHKW10086 chanseys' band redstone 6000 unjuanable useful copy players 8000 yiyiyi2 DUGUO CULT 7500 tapuleleyyds The Emperor of Internet 5000 Tocause chanseys' band redstone 4000 npcawa The Emperor of Internet 3000 ddhioo chanseys' band redstone 3000 shuixin The Emperor of Internet 4000 -
RE: 2024AG团赛(AGPL)选手报名帖
[2024/08/04] AGPL 2024 选人结束。记录:
选手 队伍 价格 Lord-Hgssanta Strange Squad 15000 Tocause Let Emolga Cook 15000 sad dancer Crychic 15000 Fish sea 150 For Eternal Life 21000 Raiden Mei Strange Squad 11500 yuxinxinxin Let Emolga Cook 7000 baplong Strange Squad 5000 qing_kong1423 Let Emolga Cook 3500 Ace Taffy521 Let Emolga Cook 5000 chansey and lulu Crychic 11500 shnhg For Eternal Life 14000 LuNaisama Crychic 4000 err0 Strange Squad 3000 yueluo Let Emolga Cook 3000 Know treasure Crychic 7000 Nagato ya Crychic 3000 el_rodri Let Emolga Cook 3000 Nightsuqi Crychic 5000 sawra2.71828 For Eternal Life 3000 hot_dogs666 For Eternal Life 8000 TKYSZL Strange Squad 9500 Vxltarktimi Let Emolga Cook 8000 huihuangyinxing Crychic 8000 WHKW10086 Crychic 6500 unjuanable Let Emolga Cook 4000 Metany Strange Squad 4000 shuixin For Eternal Life 3000 bailongzhenshuai For Eternal Life 3000 cen344 Strange Squad 3000 quagsy Let Emolga Cook 3000 godg25500 Strange Squad 10500 baibaiats Crychic 7000 ddhioo Let Emolga Cook 3000 Flower Strange Squad 3000 sakream For Eternal Life 3000 KurobaKaito For Eternal Life 3000 VACM RED For Eternal Life 6000 haxpingan Let Emolga Cook 15500 uuww Crychic 3000 69399375www For Eternal Life 3000 xqhit Strange Squad 5500 vegdog For Eternal Life 3000 -
RE: 宝可梦超级联赛2024 对阵信息 [冠军:白银传说]
Week 2
白银传说 (4) VS (7) 拳关斯巴达克
BO3: @cen344 VS @xujing691691 9ou 8ou 7ou
SVOU: @Sherry-0 VS @xu9
SVOU: @灵银之魂 VS @Roxie
SSOU: @Jqlove VS @白白
USUMOU: @洛沙华 VS @akeng
ORASOU: @Metallica VS @Dawnmoon
BWOU: @龙慧 VS @皇家萌使
ADVOU: @niaosui VS @qdhwefdw
GSCOU: @mentalsoft VS @EgoXim
RBYOU: @安龙Unown VS @unjuanable g1 g2 g3彼岸花海 (7) VS (4) 雷文摩天轮
BO3: @晋文公 VS @Allen-xia寻欢 9ou 8ou
SVOU: @Hi VS @Octperlover暴君-0
SVOU: @海兔 VS @Nashrock
SSOU: @wya VS @Slowpoke-Fan
USUMOU: @line38324 VS @Metronome
ORASOU: @七情七律 VS @折纸大师
BWOU: @yz VS @ghost888
DPPOU: @半熟 VS @岸边1314
ADVOU: @归虚梦演 VS @err0
GSCOU:@sylveon VS @GDW-Yuudachi
RBYOU: @yoppie VS @彼方ninetales g1 g2 g3
RE: 宝可梦超级联赛2024 对阵信息 [冠军:白银传说]
Week 1
白银传说 (9) VS (2) 彼岸花海
BO3: @cen344 VS @晋文公 9ou 8ou 7ou
SVOU: @灵银之魂 VS @海兔
SVOU: @Sherry-0 VS @Hi
SSOU: @Jqlove VS @wya
ORASOU: @王方东云 VS @七情七律
BWOU: @龙慧 VS @yz
DPPOU: @Metallica VS @半熟
ADVOU: @niaosui VS @yoppie
GSCOU: @mentalsoft VS @甜宇淇
RBYOU: @安龙Unown VS @归虚梦演 g1 g2 g3雷文摩天轮 (5) VS (6) 拳关斯巴达克
BO3: @Allen-xia寻欢 VS @xujing691691 9ou 8ou 7ou
SVOU:@xishuaideshuai@Octperlover暴君-0 VS @xu9
SVOU: @Nashrock VS @Roxie
SSOU: @Slowpoke-Fan VS @白白
USUMOU: @Metronome VS @akeng
ORASOU: @折纸大师 VS@双刀哥布林@Dawnmoon
BWOU: @ghost888 VS @Nightsuqi
DPPOU: @岸边1314 VS @爆裂丨豆荚
ADVOU: @err0 VS @qdhwefdw
GSCOU: @GDW-Yuudachi VS @EgoXim
RBYOU: @彼方ninetales VS @unjuanable g1 g2 g3
宝可梦超级联赛2024 对阵信息 [冠军:白银传说]
宝可梦超级联赛2024 对阵信息
CPL 2024 Matchups
积分榜 Leaderboard
名次 队伍 总分 Week1 Week2 Week3 1 17 6 7 4 2 17 9 4 4 3 11 2 7 2 4 11 5 4 2
比赛时间表 Schedule
第一周 Week1 07/22 - 07/28
白银传说 VS 彼岸花海
雷文摩天轮 VS 拳关斯巴达克第二周 Week2 07/29 - 08/04
白银传说 VS 拳关斯巴达克
彼岸花海 VS 雷文摩天轮第三周 Week3 08/05 - 08/11
白银传说 VS 雷文摩天轮
彼岸花海 VS 拳关斯巴达克决赛 Finals 08/12 - 08/18
白银传说 VS 拳关斯巴达克
具体队员名单 Rosters
白银传说 Mt.Silver Legend
队长: @Metallica
副队长: @mentalsoft
队员: @Metallica @mentalsoft @安龙Unown @niaosui @灵银之魂 @龙慧 @cen344 @Jqlove @洛沙华 @Sherry-0 @王方东云 @ORDEAL @Mok3s @ghfan @洞渊主彼岸花海 HIGAN NO HANABATAKE
队长: @Scale
副队长: @晋文公
队员: @晋文公 @yoppie @海兔 @七情七律 @line38324 @Hi @wya @yz @归虚梦演 @wistar @半熟 @maxinyuuu @sylveon @甜宇淇雷文摩天轮 NIMBASA ROMANCE
队长: @小箜篌
副队长: @心雨
队员: @折纸大师 @GDW-Yuudachi @Allen-xia寻欢 @Nashrock @err0 @Metronome @岸边1314 @ghost888 @彼方ninetales @Darker@xishuaideshuai@补习不补习补习 @Slowpoke-Fan @Octperlover暴君-0 @躺平的阡陌 @Vxltarktimi拳关斯巴达克 Hammerlocke Spartacus
队长: @隐世真龙
副队长: @Lusteristic
队员: @白白 @爆裂丨豆荚 @qdhwefdw @unjuanable @xujing691691 @akeng @xu9 @EgoXim @Roxie @Nightsuqi @双刀哥布林 @炸虾球 @Dawnmoon @皇家萌使 @任心而行
规则 Rules
国服赛事通用规则 General Rules in PS China
[比赛选手应互相尊重,友谊第一,比赛第二 Friendship first, competition second]
关于比赛约战 About pairing with your opponent
In QQ or Discord, we strongly recommend you to save a screenshot of the chat log when pairing with your opponent. See details in here. If your opponent ignores your messages, please contact your team leader for help.[关于使用替补 About subs]
If a starter player disappears without any advance notice, the team leader can replace him / her with a sub player. The sub player must NOT be a player who has played a match in the same week.[关于保存回放 About replays] 比赛期间,请不要勾选“Don't allow spectators”,也不要使用“/ionext” 指令。如果比赛房间被隐藏,请使用“/publicroom”指令公开房间。如果比赛房间不允许观众加入,请使用“/modjoin off”指令解锁。
Please do not choose "Don't allow spectators" and do not use "/ionext" instructions before a match. If your battle room is hiden, please use "/publicroom" to make it public. If spectators can't enter your battle room, please use "/modjoin off" to unlock it.建议在比赛开始时使用"/modchat #" ,围观人员尊重比赛,"观棋不语"
We recommend you to use "modchat #" at the beginning of the game. Spectators should respect players and should not say anything unnecessary during the game.
允许使用"/hidereplay"让回放不被搜索到(方便以后世界杯时不给他国对手信息), 但是必须保存回放链接交给队长留存。因为PS的回放储存地处于海外,还请在完赛后多次确认回放成功保存。 对于没有保存回放的比赛,国服比赛管理团队保留要求重赛的权利。
You can use "/hidereplay" to protect your replays. However, you should save the replay link and make it available to your team leader. We may ask for a rematch if the replay is not saved.[关于分级变动 About tier changes]
All tier changes will take effect at 12:00 noon next Monday in GMT+8.
Publicity of Hosts
CPL 2024 is co-hosted by four hosts.Host QQ @神奇名字 3627163956 @冰鸟 2859643083 @绯绯殿下 925951576 @Starmie 978965142 请选手务必向裁判员提供真实信息。
Please be sure to provide true information to hosts.
祝各位比赛好运,友谊第一比赛第二,给各位带来精彩的比赛! We wish all players have a good luck and have fun!
RE: 宝可梦超级联赛及次级联赛2024 队员报名帖
[2024/07/20] CPL 2024 选人结束。记录:
选手 队伍 价格 Metallica126 Mt.Silver Legend 18000 Mentalsoft Mt.Silver Legend 18000 cscl Higan no Hanabatake 18000 yoppie Higan no Hanabatake 11500 Unowndragon Mt.Silver Legend 10000 searabbit Higan no Hanabatake 9000 seven starsss Higan no Hanabatake 10000 Master Origami Nimbasa Romance 14500 baibaiats Hammerlocke Spartacus 8000 niaosui Mt.Silver Legend 6000 GDW Yuudachi Nimbasa Romance 18000 Allen-xia Nimbasa Romance 13000 soul king0 Mt.Silver Legend 11000 burstbean Hammerlocke Spartacus 19000 qdhwefdw Hammerlocke Spartacus 4000 unjuanable Hammerlocke Spartacus 9500 xujing691691 Hammerlocke Spartacus 11000 jialing Hammerlocke Spartacus 13000 line38324 Higan no Hanabatake 14000 Nashrock Nimbasa Romance 5500 gewwe Higan no Hanabatake 8000 Nor known to life Mt.Silver Legend 5000 xu9 Hammerlocke Spartacus 5500 gostop Nimbasa Romance 13000 wya Higan no Hanabatake 13500 Pichiu Nimbasa Romance 10500 cen344 Mt.Silver Legend 9000 yz Higan no Hanabatake 8000 IGJackeylove Higan no Hanabatake 13000 Jqlove Mt.Silver Legend 5000 EgoXim Hammerlocke Spartacus 3000 Roxie Hammerlocke Spartacus 4000 nightsuwu Hammerlocke Spartacus 6500 wistar Higan no Hanabatake 3000 Sawra2.71828 Mt.Silver Legend 8000 labyrinthine0311 Nimbasa Romance 10000 shuangdaogebulin Hammerlocke Spartacus 9500 ghost888 Nimbasa Romance 7500 xiaqiu Hammerlocke Spartacus 7000 moyingbock Mt.Silver Legend 9000 ninetales snow Nimbasa Romance 6500 ok sir Higan no Hanabatake 3000 Dawnmoon Hammerlocke Spartacus 5500 sleepingcloud Mt.Silver Legend 6000 maxinyuuu Higan no Hanabatake 3000 Darker Nimbasa Romance 3000 sidalin Hammerlocke Spartacus 3000 seven sense Hammerlocke Spartacus 11500 xishuaideshuai Nimbasa Romance 6500 sylveon Higan no Hanabatake 3000 VACM RED Mt.Silver Legend 3000 Mok3s Mt.Silver Legend 3000 Corvi01 Mt.Silver Legend 6000 Slowpoke Fan Nimbasa Romance 3000 Octperlover 0 Nimbasa Romance 3000 Tunstr Higan no Hanabatake 3000 Sardonyx_Amber Mt.Silver Legend 3000 qian333mo Nimbasa Romance 3000 Vxltarktimi Nimbasa Romance 3000 -
RE: DOUPL 2024 队员报名贴
[2024/07/13] RUPL 2024 选人结束。记录:
选手 队伍 价格 SakakibaraKotone Circle of Life 9500 zhongyeernai Dream about South Pillar 10000 tianlengmeihou Circle of Life 13000 mizuhime Magical Hajimi 6000 WHKW10086 Kill Your Nine Generation Ancestors 18000 zuzhouwawa Kill Your Nine Generation Ancestors 9500 xieeee Magical Hajimi 3000 unjuanable Circle of Life 9000 gostop Dream about South Pillar 6000 Idyllanth Magical Hajimi 17000 5icg Dream about South Pillar 9500 Register13 Magical Hajimi 4500 TKYSZL Kill Your Nine Generation Ancestors 6500 baojun Kill Your Nine Generation Ancestors 8000 tunsur Magical Hajimi 5500 Hi Dream about South Pillar 5000 jinitaimei Circle of Life 8000 xkh Dream about South Pillar 4500 scpSeptember Magical Hajimi 6500 luoshahua Dream about South Pillar 5000 Mok3s Magical Hajimi 4500 IGjackeylove Circle of Life 7500 nightsuqi Kill Your Nine Generation Ancestors 3500 qianguyidi Circle of Life 3000 hybone Dream about South Pillar 13500 Gkotta Magical Hajimi 3500 kaori Circle of Life 3000 hezudaozai Kill Your Nine Generation Ancestors 5000 Sherry0 Kill Your Nine Generation Ancestors 4000 cscl Kill Your Nine Generation Ancestors 5500 RainListener Circle of Life 7000 ordeal Dream about South Pillar 3000 dawn to the dusk Magical Hajimi 4000 compection Magical Hajimi 3000 lemon7 Dream about South Pillar 3500 -
RE: RUPL 2024 队员报名帖
[2024/03/10] RUPL 2024 选人结束。记录:
选手 队伍 价格 Sawra2.71828 super shadow sneak 12000 dawntothedusk Frenzy Flygon 12000 rakukeika Frenzy Flygon 12000 metallica Horizon to zero 12000 soulking0 Gallop like thunder 12000 hjms super shadow sneak 6500 BluBirD Frenzy Flygon 8500 eifo Horizon to zero 13500 mentalsoft Gallop like thunder 13000 jinyuji Gallop like thunder 11500 Indercover Frenzy Flygon 14000 qdhwefdw super shadow sneak 7000 cen344uu super shadow sneak 7500 Yueluo Frenzy Flygon 5000 wya Frenzy Flygon 8500 PokemonCestDur Horizon to zero 9000 Hoshino Love Horizon to zero 8000 raceding super shadow sneak 15500 HI Horizon to zero 10000 Rimarinalove Frenzy Flygon 3000 dare to love xkh super shadow sneak 3000 0.9mirror Frenzy Flygon 3500 gostop Gallop like thunder 14000 xujing691691 super shadow sneak 10500 igjackeylove Frenzy Flygon 3500 Burstbean Gallop like thunder 18500 Rarelyme super shadow sneak 11000 Xishuaideshuai Horizon to zero 10000 Mok3s super shadow sneak 3000 nightsuwu Frenzy Flygon 10000 Astro-0 Horizon to zero 5000 wyhhh Horizon to zero 3000 sdkko Horizon to zero 5000 maxinyuuu Gallop like thunder 3000 wangfangdongyun Horizon to zero 4500 vxltarktimi super shadow sneak 4000 Darker Gallop like thunder 3000 yinshang Gallop like thunder 3000 -
RE: 宝可梦龙之联赛2024【冠军 无极神冠】对阵信息 CDL 2024 Matchups
(2024/02/26) CDL 2024 圆满落幕
恭喜 无极神冠 夺得冠军!
恭喜 @皇家萌使、@Metallica、@毒果酱 和 @命玉的雪 以4-0的成绩夺得MVP!
RE: 宝可梦龙之联赛2024【冠军 无极神冠】对阵信息 CDL 2024 Matchups
- 经选手要求和双方队长同意,第四周截止日期推迟一天至2月26日(周一)
RE: 国服主聊天室每日Tour时间安排表
周一 周二 周三 周四 周五 周六 周日 晚上 20:00 [Gen 9] OU [Gen 9] OU [Gen 9] OU [Gen 9] OU [Gen 9] OU [Gen 9] OU [Gen 9] OU -
RE: 宝可梦龙之联赛2024【冠军 无极神冠】对阵信息 CDL 2024 Matchups
click to show
恭喜 双龙十字军 和 无极神冠 进入决赛!
RE: 宝可梦龙之联赛2024【冠军 无极神冠】对阵信息 CDL 2024 Matchups
click to show赛程变动通知
- 为同步官服的分级变动,第三周开始日期推迟一天改为2月6日
- 由于临近农历新年,第三周截止日期推迟一周改为2月18日